About me

I'm Rebecca, and well, I love art. After working in the art world for a few years I decided to start a blog that helps get the work of some brilliant artists out to the world. Too often I meet people who only know the names of the greats...Picasso, Dali, that guy who cut his ear off...you get it. There is so much breathtaking, talented and beautiful art that never meets some peoples eyes. This blog is going to help me on my mission to spread brilliant art to a wider public. 

This is my aesthetic and just because you don't see a certain artist or piece on this blog it does not mean it's not good. If you have any suggestions, please e-mail me. It's always nice to have another set of eyes. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Rebecca, thank you for directing me to your blog. you are presenting some beautiful art here. i like your mission statement. there really are so many great artists producing wonderful artworks that many people will never see. pictify is good but i have my reservations about that site; there is way too much junk being posted. so the untrained eye will see great art works next to that which is just bad art & for me that is the down side.

    your blog is like a breath of fresh air. i was greeted with the cattelan images. he is amazing. did you happen to see his retrospective at the guggenheim? i saw it on the last week & happy i did. he was so smart to have all his work shown in the interior space, using the building as a ramp, which to me was his comment on the Frank Lloyd Wright design. Wright did not like artists, he was an egotist, so by cattelan having the show focused only on his work the public were forced to turn their backs on Wrights architecture. to me it was a subtle but serious commentary.

    you can be sure i will be returning here to enjoy what you are posting
    warm regard,


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